Monday, April 29, 2013

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

This week has been pretty darn good. Lost 2lb and can now see a little light at the end of the tunnel. Only about 5 weeks to my holiday. 2 gym classes this morning - 1 toning Tables and 1 kickboxing. Boy do I 'glow' 
Happy with how things are going....well....excluding tonight. I made lasagna and had seconds   So instead of having  49 carbs for the day, I had 70  Ooops.
It's not all bad...losing 2lb has put a smile on my face.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

B'fast: 1 protein bar
Snack: 1 small iced cookie 
Lunch: chicken breast slices 
Snack: 1 pack of low-carb crisps/potato chips
Dinner: Roast beef slices and mixed salad with 1 low-carb wrap
Supper: Slice of apple pie  

Total carbs for today around  60

oooo a little over but still in control. Blame the cookie on the office admin. It was Admin Day at work today and they had tons of cookies but I did choose the smallest cookie on the plate and said "no" to another  

Blame the apple pie on my husband who just turned up with a big wedge. We shared it between 3 of us and I had the smallest piece 

Got a wonderful message from one of my members today...

"Well am 6 weeks in, watching my carbs and calories, and nearly one stone lighter ....... Thank you Karen xx"

Well done Carol!...
It Works ! 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

B'fast: Coffee and 2oz pack of almonds
Lunch: Chicken breast slices with tomato on 2 low-carb wraps
Dinner: Chicken stew with 2 tablespoons of wild rice

Total carbs for today around 40

So in control today. Didn't get time to go to the gym but I managed to stay with my 3 meals and I still have a few carbs left for a snack if the mood takes me.  

One very disturbing point. My scales have stopped working  They need new batteries.... Got to get that sorted as soon as possible. I stand on them every single morning. It's something I neeeeeed to do. I just have to take deep breaths when I pass them.

I miss my scales

Monday, April 22, 2013

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

B'fast: 1 high protein bar
Lunch: Fresh roasted chicken leg on 2 low-carb wraps
Dinner: Ditto followed by Greek Yoghurt

Total carbs about 42

What a day. Double whammy at the gym with Toning Tables and Kickboxing, no food in the house shop, shower and out for work and had a headache by dinner which was 8pm. Stomach still not going down easy. It's like a Tyson fight 
 Grrrrr ........ Bring it on!!!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

B'fast: Coffee
Snack: 1 pack of low-carb crisps/potato chips
Lunch: Mixed salad with blue cheese and walnuts and 1 bread roll
Dinner: Tuna and mayo on 1 low-carb wraps and 1 leftover stuffed mushroom

Total carbs about 49

Just kept under 50 carbs. Met my family at a restaurant for lunch after working the morning and couldnt resist the freshly baked bread rolls 

Even so, I'm happy with todays results. Tomorrow is double whammy gym day....wish me luck. 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

Today's Log...
B'fast: Coffee
Lunch: Broccoli cheese soup
Dinner: Chicken cordon bleu wrapped in bacon, stuffed mushroom and asparagus

Today's carbs comes to around 45

Good low-carb food today. Please go to the bottom of my Daily Log Page for my weigh-in.

Check out my Low-Carb Cook Book 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

B'fast: 1 high protein bar
Lunch: Packet of low-carb crisps (potato chips) and 1 small pack of almonds
Dinner: Mixed salad with smoked ham on 2 low-carb wraps. Greek yoghurt
Supper: half bar of high cocoa chocolate
Total carbs about 50

A little high but still this week has been good. 1 days left to go before my weigh-in and I've only had around 240 carbs, so I'm expecting the scales to be very nice to me tomorrow 

Check out my Low-Carb Cook Book

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

Today's Log...

B'fast: Coffee

Lunch: 1 high protein bar

Dinner" salad with smoked ham on 2 low-carb wraps

Supper: Greek yoghurt

Total carbs about 38

Another good low-carb day. Although I am still feeling quite bloated. I've had lots of water and still it makes no difference. 

Check out my Low-Carb Cook Book 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©




Todays Daily Log goes like this....
B'fast: Coffee - Ooops
Lunch: 2 egg omelet with tomato on 2 low-carb wraps
Dinner: Mixed salad and bowl of chili 

 Today's carbs about  35
Both fairly good days. Only around 45 yesterday. AND - 2 gym visits today. 1 Kickboxing class  and 1 Toning Tables. Toning it up....I hope 

By the afternoon I was completely shocked at what I saw on tv. How someone could do such a senseless cowardly act on innocent people. I have never understood it and I never will.


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

B'fast: Coffee
Lunch: Mixed salad with 1 piece of breaded chicken goujon
Dinner: Minced beef & onions
Total carbs for today around 30 

Not a very imaginative day. Busy with school shows and had to be there most of the day. Great performance and the art show was fab....and my baby (who is now 15 1/2yr) played solo in Electronic Jazz Orchestra. 

It just hit me while watching him perform. I cant believe he is so grown up, learning to drive and searching for Universities for his senior year. Only seems like last year he pined and was desperately unhappy without his dummy (pacifier)  Only with a dummy in his mouth and his mothers cuddle did he fall into a slumber.

As we all know, time waits for no man but I do wonder what I'm going to do without him. Only time will tell. So, if in about 2 years you see me wondering round the streets in a daze, you will know I wont be dealing with it very well.  Yes I am busy with Real Estate, my Low-Carb Cookbook is doing great, and my Husband and Home keeps me on the go, (wherever that will be after our assignment).

Everything we have done has including all of us. One things for sure, it wont be a happy experience. Feeling odd and wondering what to do next  I dont mean work wise as that side is busy. I mean with our evenings round the dining table enjoying each others company and discussing our future together. 

Well, as you can see I am feeling a little old  And it all started watching him play the bloody trumpet!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

B'fast: Nothing, nulla, niente for both days
Lunch:  Light cheese triangles & tomatoes on 2 low-carb wraps on one day, & mined beef and onions on 2 low-carb wraps another
Snacks: High protein bar and 1 pack of low-carb crisps/potato chips 
Dinner: 4 croissants one night  with Greek yoghurt and just Greek yoghurt tonight

Very messy two days. Busy with work and not really planning my meals. The last 2 days I've had around 140   OMG....

Check out my Low-Carb Cook Book 


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

B'fast: High protein bar
Lunch: Coffee and 1 chocolate chip cookie
Dinner: Tuna fish with mixed salad on 2 low-carb wraps. Greek yoghurt

Todays carbs about 45

Getting back into the swing of things. Went to Toning tables today and I forgot to mention I went to 2 classes on Monday - 1 Kickboxing and 1 Toning tables. So that's 3 classes already  

Check out my Low-Carb Cook Book

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

Put the curry round the rice, not the rice round the curry

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

Most days have been good, but night time has been pretty bad. Plus friends visiting from overseas together with restaurant visits has been so nice yet it has turned out to be challenginhg ordering the complete wrong thing on the menu and thinking...."Oh well, it's only once". The problem is, once turned to many times. And, the worse part of it, I knew it was the wrong thing to eat while I was eating it. So, I think I will give up 

That's how I feel.

I have been to the gym only about 4 times over the last 2 weeks and only this week got back into going twice on Monday - Toning Tables and Kickboxing. Today I will try to get there but it doesnt look good with work and commitments, but this week I have to do exercise at least 4 times! 

Over the last 5 days I've had around 300 carbs. If you've been reading my daily log you'll know that I normally have a little under that over the week  

And yes, I've put weight on....surprisingly 

So let's start again..... about 7 weeks to my holiday. There is still time..... Will I do it?

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

B'fast: 1 protein bar and coffee
Lunch: 2 egg omelet with 2 low-carb wraps
Dinner: 5 pieces of Sushi
Snack: 1 protein bar & Greek yoghurt

Total carbs for today about  54

A little on the high side but feeling good after my double whammy at the gym. 2 classes: 1 Pilates and 1 toning tables. My bones burn and my back aches! 

Check out my Low-Carb Cook Book 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

B'fast: Coffee
Lunch: Bacon omelet with 2 low-carb wraps
Dinner: Pulled turkey with onion rings and sweetcorn and 2 low-carb wraps
Snack: 1/2 slice of freshly baked wholemeal bread

Total carbs for today around 50

Was having a good low-carb day until supper. Having said that my carb count isn't so bad. First day back at the gym and toning tables tomorrow. Pilates here I come

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©
B'fast: 1 cheesy bagel .... with cream cheese
Lunch: Spare ribs and green beans
Snack: 1 large Starbx DOUBLE chocolate chip cookie 
Dinner: Leftover spicy tomato chicken, pasta and 2 low-carb wraps
Snack: 1 slice of wholemeal bread

Total carbs for today about 110

Oh no. I dont know what happened. If only the office breakfast provider would bring in omelets or egg and bacon breakfasts  
Check out my Low-Carb Cook Book 

Low-Carb Buffet?

Monday, April 1, 2013

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen© 
B'fast: Coffee
Lunch: Buffalow wild wings with BBQ sauce, cellery & ranch, diet coke and water
Dinner: Spicy tomato chicken with 2 low-carb wraps

Total carbs for today around 45 

Yesterday was a bit of a disaster. I had a chocolate rabbit for lunch = 46 carbs 

Also went for a Riverboat cruise which included a meal and an Easter egg hung. I was being kind of careful but couldnt say no to the cheesecake and cadbury's cream egg when we got home  
Total carbs for yesterday came to about 150 

Check this out....