Saturday, January 5, 2013

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

Home - Karen's Carb Crazy Kitchen©

My very first "Cheese-less" Week

Join my site for free and enjoy my sometimes completely fruitless and other times quite successful attempts at doing it Low-Carb

B'fasts: none all week....

Lunches: Most days have been chicken salads and today was a Buffalo Wild Wings grilled chicken salad

Dinners: Most evenings have been some kind of chicken with either vegetables or salad

Carbs for today comes to around 40

That's good because it means I can have a couple of pieces of high cocoa chocolate, should the mood take me and I wont be over my carbs for the day.

Having a really good week and as promised to myself for my New Years Resolution, I haven't had any cheese. It's kind of killing me because it's one of my favourites. You can grill it, sprinkle it or just slice it on crackers so having to do without is taking some getting used to.

Shame for the family cuz I've banned it from the house. I think there's about 4oz of cheese left in the fridge that the family can polish off, but none for me   and there won't be any cheese available in my fridge when that runs out

So onwards and upward for the New Year. Cheese-less but healthier for it me thinks

Any low-carb ideas? Let me know via my website

Finally, What's your New Years Resolution?

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